Book Of The Week #7- How A Star Falls

How a Star Falls
by Amber Stokes
    How a Star Falls is a new-adult romance novella by indie author Amber Stokes. It is about twenty-four-year-old Derrick Knolane who, after a long day at his job at the music store, finds a strange girl asleep on a cliff wearing a wedding gown. She's sweet, innocent and oh-so mysterious, not even willing to tell him her name, so Derrick calls her Brielle. And oh yeah, she tells him she's a star. From heaven.
   This is the first book I've ever read from Amber Stokes, as well as one of the few indie books I've ever read (and judging by this little gem, that needs to change!). It's a light, sweet and quick read. Definitely a much lighter story line than a lot of books I read. A good way to describe this book is "boy-meets-girl." But it isn't just about romance. It's about growing up and things not turning out the way you planned. It's about learning to be okay with yourself even though you're not perfect.
   I really liked the story. First off, that cover is gorgeous! It has elements of faith without being pushy. There's romance without it being too steamy or corny. It's a new adult novel, intended for people between the ages of 20- 30, but there is nothing in the book that I would feel uncomfortable with a teenager reading. It's a very clean read. Plus, there's just some essence I can't quite put my finger on that I loved about How a Star Falls.
I give this book a 4 out of 5


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