Review: The Red Door Inn by Liz Johnson

The Red Door Inn
by Liz Johnson

Marie Carrington is running away from a painful past. Having grown up a fan of books set on Prince Edward Island, she thinks this majestic Canadian province is the perfect place to hide. Yet she doesn’t have two pennies to rub together, let alone the fare for a ferry ticket to PEI. When she meets an older man named Jack Sloane, who is a nice man, though very chatty, Marie is reluctant to accept his charity. Yet when he sees her eye for design, he offers her a job, which she accepts. Her hope is to earn enough money to begin a new life on the island.

Seth Sloane’s main hope is to forget the pain of his ex-fiancĂ©’s betrayal. When his uncle Jack decides to open an inn on Prince Edward Island in order to honor his late wife’s wishes, Seth is reluctant, yet agrees to leave San Diego to help with construction, seeing as he has nothing left in California, anyway. When Jack brings a pretty, yet skittish woman to help with design to the inn, Seth puts up his guard, afraid that Marie is only out to swindle his uncle out of his money- and ruin things for everyone involved.

I’m a historical fiction fan at heart; it’s my favorite genre and what I read the most of. While I like to read contemporary fiction, I don’t usually enjoy it as much as I liked The Red Door Inn. It was just a really good book. I adore the setting. I’m a big L.M. Montgomery fan and I’ve always wanted to go there, so reading a book set on the island was so much fun. But the characters are what make a book and this book offers some great ones. I felt so sorry for Marie, but I really appreciated the message of hope that this story held not only for her, but for the other characters as well. Jack was such a sweet character; he reminded me a lot of Matthew Cuthbert. He’s that comforting, grandfather type of presence. I liked Seth, too. There were times when he got on my nerves with his assumptions, but I could see where he was coming from. The supporting characters here and there on the island were charming and it all tied together into a really good book.

All in all, I loved The Red Door Inn. Fans of Christian romance will love this book with its charming seaside setting.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.


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