Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Setting I'd Like To Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

We all have a list of places we want to visit someday. Sometimes we even have a list of time periods we’d chose to go to if we had the chance. The books we read inspire these lists greatly. Talented authors have a way of describing places in their stories that make the places and times seem so real. That’s what today’s post is all about. Here I’ve listed ten books with settings that I would love to visit.

I’ve always wanted to go to Alaska. This book set in the 1800s describes it beautifully.

It would be so neat to visit the 16th century. I’d love to visit some of the places Gwyn and Dirk stayed and traveled around.

I love the 1940s, and Boston seems like a really interesting city. It would be so neat to see it during that time.

The scenes of the Oregon coast described in this novel sound so beautiful. The sound of crashing waves as the wind blows through the air; sounds like the perfect vacation.

First, I want to mention how much I love the cover of this book. It is so beautiful! I would so love to visit New York City during the winter in the Gilded Age. To go ice skating in Central Park in a beautiful dress…. It sounds magical!

Seriously, who wouldn’t want to visit Regency England!?

I love the Victorian era. I would so love to visit England in the mid-1800s.

I love this book. It is so good. I would jump at the chance to spend just one day in the 1920s. And if I could spend that day with Valancy, it would be all the better.

Prince Edward Island is near the top of places I want to visit someday. L.M. Montgomery’s writings are the sole reason. The seaside town Anne and Gilbert move to in Anne’s House of Dreams sounds so beautiful.

When I was writing this list, I just had to add A Castle in the Sky. I’ve enjoyed writing about this era. I think it would be so much fun to visit New York in the 1910s.

So how about you, readers and friends? What are some times and places you’d like to see?

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Miranda, I'm so honored you included my book in your list! If you ever visit Europe in the 1560's, take me with you!! :)

    Oh, and Pride and Prejudice, too! That would be incredible, wouldn't it? :)

    Merry Christmas!

    1. I certainly will, Rachelle! ;-) Wouldn't it be so awesome to hang out with Lizzy? Thanks for stopping by, and Merry Christmas to you, too!

  2. Great list, Miranda! :) Alaska is definitely an incredible place to visit! And I'm totally with you on wanting to go to Prince Edward Island someday. Dream vacation, for sure!

    Thank you so much for including How a Star Falls! I'm so glad you enjoyed the coastal imagery. Technically the book is set on the Northern California coast, but I don't think I made that very clear, and it's practically Oregon anyway - much more like Oregon than the southern coast. ;) Hehe! Assuming I finish Where Trains Collide at some point, I hope to show some of the Oregon coast in that story! ♥

    Thank you again, friend! So grateful for your kindnesses in sharing about my books and encouraging me!


    1. You write about atmosphere so well, Amber! I just can't wait to read Where Trains Collide, especially since it takes place along the coast! :-) And I'm always glad to share about your books!

      Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. I visited Alaska several years ago because my cousin lives up there. It IS beautiful, but I'll confess, I didn't pay as much mind to the scenery (as I would today) because for me, it was all about seeing family and meeting my cousin's kids, one of whom I'd never met. :)

    Glad to see the 'Anne' books on your list, Miranda - seeing Prince Edward Island is certainly a SOMEDAY dream for me. :)

    Appreciate you making a visit to Finding Wonderland, as always. :)

    1. That's so cool that you've been to Alaska, Rissi! And Prince Edward Island is high on my list. Looks like that's the case for lots of others. :-) Thank you so much for stopping by today!


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