Top Ten Tuesday: 7 Halloween Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Today’s topic: Halloween/Creepy Reads

Even though I love Halloween, I do not like scary things and am definitely not a horror fan. Even so, I was able to come up with some spooky reads that fit the theme of today’s Top Ten Tuesday. There are ghosts, monsters, vampires, and zombies, along with a mystery or two.

7: Wuthering Heights
It’s been a long time since I read this book, but I do remember it having several spooky elements. It’s not one of my favorite books, but as I was writing this list, it came to mind.

6: Dracula
I’ve been meaning to read this book for an age. It certainly seems a great read for the Halloween season.

5: The Hound of the Baskervilles
This is my favorite book in the Sherlock Holmes series. It’s spooky and takes place in the moors of England in the fall. Who doesn’t love a good mystery on a cool fall evening?

4: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I am definitely not one of those people who is all “zombies on everything!” but I do love me some Austen, so I read this book a few years ago before the movie came out. It’s definitely not one of my favorite books (and I had a mini-heart attack every time a gunshot went off during the movie when I saw it at the theater. FYI: not a movie you want to sit close to the sound system through!) but I couldn’t make a list of Halloween/creepy reads without this book.

3: For Elise
So this novelette is not something I would consider “creepy,” but it does have a ghost, so I think it’s perfect for Halloween. It’s a really fun, tender story that can be read in one sitting, preferably outside on a crisp autumn day.

2: Northanger Abbey
Oh, dear Catherine Morland and her overactive imagination. Not my favorite Austen, but Northanger Abbey is the perfect book by this beloved author to read this time of year.

1: Jane Eyre
This book may not scream Halloween, but it does have some spooky elements. It’s one of my all-time favorite books, and fall is the absolute perfect time to read it.

And there you have it. Are there any books that you like to read at Halloween? Tell me about them!

–Miranda Atchley


  1. I've read #7,5,2, and 1 and I like them all.

    no way I'll ever read dracula or p&p zombies - I honestly can't read them, I'm too easily scared. I have not heard of for elise, will have to check it out.

    have a lovely day.

  2. I’ve read the first two on your list and the real version of Pride & Prejudice. I think zombies would greatly improve that book. ;)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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