Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'd Like to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Today’s topic: Author’s I’d Love to Meet

We all have favorite authors. And while at times it can seem intimidating, we all dream of meeting our authors who written the books we love so much. That’s what today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is all about. Today I’ve listed ten authors that I would love to meet in person. Some are no longer with us, while some are still very much alive and crafting stories to cherish. Enjoy.

10: Rachel McMillan
I love Rachel’s novels. Edwardian bachelor women and amateur sleuths in the 1930s? How could you not love that? It would be such fun to meet her and talk about how great The Blue Castle is.

9: Harper Lee
Can you imagine the stories she could tell? I would just want to sit out on the front porch and listen to her.

8: Allison Pittman
Oh, but she is a good writer. She’s got that ability to write historical fiction that works its way into your heart and stays with you forever. I would love to meet her someday.

7: Jean Webster
Daddy-Long-Legs is one of my favorite books ever. From the little I’ve read of her, Jean Webster sounds like such a cool person. Oh, it would be so fun to travel back to the early 1900s and meet her!

6: Amber Holcomb (Stokes)
Amber is an indie author whom I’ve come to consider a friend. I’ve enjoyed reading Austen with her and our friend Julie. I think that Amber is a wonderful author and a really sweet person who would be such fun to meet.

5: Jane Austen
You can’t not love Jane Austen. I would so love to go back in time to Regency England and meet her and listen to her witty observations.

4: Melody Carlson
I’ve been reading Melody Carlson’s books for a long time. She’s written in such a wide variety and these days I love reading her historical fiction. It would be pretty neat to meet one of the authors that inspired me to write.

3: Charlotte Brontë
Charlotte Brontë is one of my favorite authors. She was such a good writer. And while her life wasn’t as adventurous as some, she still had a fascinating life. She would be an incredible person to meet.

2: Jen Turano
If she is anywhere near as funny as her characters are, I think Ms. Jen Turano would be a blast to meet.

1: L.M. Montgomery
While it would be incredibly intimidating to meet my favorite author, I would love to spend a day in Prince Edward Island with her. She was so talented, so smart, and could make anything sound beautiful.

Who are some authors you would love to meet? Have you ever met one of your favorite authors? Tell me about it in the comments!

–Miranda Atchley


  1. Okay, how fun to be included on a list with authors like Harper Lee, Jean Webster, and Jane Austen!! Not to mention the fabulous Rachel McMillan. :D

    I would love to meet you too, Miranda! Thank you so much for your kind words and for including me in this fun post. :) I so appreciate your friendship!


  2. Nice list!! I would have enjoyed meeting Harper Lee in real life too!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  3. You're certainly in good company, Amber! I appreciate your friendship, too, and have had lots of fun talking books with you. 😊❤️

  4. It would have been an amazing opportunity! Thanks for stopping by the blog! 😊

  5. Aw, how fun! Love seeing Jane Austen and L.M Montgomery on your list, Miranda. Also, three cheers for Rachel and Amber, too! They're books are amazing, and of course, so are they. :)

    Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit.

    1. They are indeed lovely ladies. 😊 Thanks for visiting the blog today, Rissi!


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