Pride and Prejudice Read-Along Week 1

Hello readers and friends! Today I’m posting my first contribution for the Pride and Prejudice Read-Along. If you’d like to find out more, just visit
In these chapters, we’ve been introduced to a vast cast of characters, the center of the book being the Bennets, the Bingleys, the Lucases, and of course, Mr. Darcy. We see the Bennets at home, and we see them attend the ball in which they are infamously introduced to the Bingleys and Mr. Darcy. We see how proud Mr. Darcy is and how Lizzy’s family sticks up for her upon his rejection.

This is my second time reading the book. I read it for the first time over two years ago, with a paperback that still sits on my shelf. This time, I opted for an e-book, seeing as I hadn’t yet read the free copy that has been on my Kindle for years.

Like Amber, I’m surprised by how little Lizzy is mentioned in the beginning. She’s sort of a background character in the first several chapters. Even so, I know we’ll be hearing a lot more from her in the chapters to come.

Favorite Quote

“You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least.”

I really like this quote because it shows how witty Mr. Bennet is.

Discussion Questions

1: Which character do you most relate to? Whose worldwide views/personality most resembles your own?

I’ve always thought that I related more to Lizzy than any other Austen heroine because she likes to read and she isn’t so wrapped up in finding a husband like most young ladies in the Regency era were. Yet as I’ve been reading the book lately, I’ve started to think that in some ways I’m a little bit like Jane, seeing as she’s more quiet and reserved. As far as who’s views I most agree with, that would be Mr. Bennet.

2: Ponder Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s first impressions of each other. Might the story have been different if they had each responded differently at (and after) that first ball?

In a way, I do think it would have been different. There might not have been a book if they’d behaved amicably toward one another.

Have you been participating in the read-along? Or, have you already read Pride and Prejudice? If so, what do you think about these first chapters?

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I just love that quote! It makes me laugh in the movie and it makes me laugh when I read it! I love Mr. Bennet too. He's really quite funny! Loved your post!

    1. Me too, Julie! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. I really like yours, too, and look forward to reading more this month! :)

  2. So fun to read your thoughts! I love that you, Julie, and Deborah are rereading the book - it's neat to hear what you guys think after having read the story before. :)

    That quote is so great! And both Jane and Lizzy are quite likable; Jane's quieter ways are definitely relatable. :)

    Thank you for participating in the read-along and our first discussion!


    1. I'm having a really good time with this read-along, Amber! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post. I can't wait to read more this month! :)

  3. I do really like that everyone sticks up for Elizabeth. :)

    I used to think I was like Jane, then I thought I was like Lizzy, but I have finally decided that I am Mary. :)

    I liked reading this! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked this post. The Bennet sisters are so different from each other that a lot of people can see parts of themselves in a few of them. I'm glad you can find good qualities that you relate to in the three elders sisters!

      Thank you for stopping by!


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