Pride and Prejudice Read-Along Week #5

Hello, readers and friends! Today I bring to you the last discussion post for the Pride and Prejudice Read-Along. I’ve had a lot of fun with this read-along and have enjoyed revisiting the Bennets and their friends while reading in a group. Can’t wait for the next read-along!

General Impressions

After running away with Whickham, we now see that Lydia is married and if we hadn’t already known, she most certainly would have told us about it had we been at Longbourn during her return. We also read as Bingley returns and proposes to Jane. And another couple reconciles. All at Longbourn were shocked when Lizzy accepted Mr. Darcy’s proposal. Mrs. Bennet, having previously detested the man, now believes him to be a dear person. By the end of the book, we see two out of the three newlywed couples happily situated and Mr. Bennet contented with his daughters’ new lives.

It’s the end! I can’t believe it’s over! I think it’s hilarious, though slightly annoying, how quickly Mrs. Bennet’s opinions of people change. Quite the opposite of Jane’s unwavering optimism! But I am glad to see Jane and Lizzy get their happily ever afters.

Discussion Questions

1. Which character's words or actions shocked you the most in this section (in a good or bad way)? How would you have responded if those words or actions somehow affected you?

Lady Catherine de Bourgh's. After being so stoic and regal, she just came unglued when Lizzy didn't cater to her whims!

2. How would you describe the main moral of the story? Is there a lesson or reminder that especially stood out to you by the end?

I think that the main moral is that you have to be careful about who you trust. And you have to be sensible in your actions.

3. Which aspect of the final chapter made you smile the most?

Mr. Bennet's letter to Mr. Collins! Definitely love that!lol And reading of how happy Mr. and Mrs. Bingley and Mr. and Mrs. Darcy were. :-)

Thank you to Amber for hosting this awesome read-along! It was so much fun to read and discuss Pride and Prejudice with you and Julie. Looking forward to more read-alongs with you two!

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Aww, it was a blast reading this book with you too, Miranda! I'm happy you enjoyed the read-along, and I'm honored you would join in to re-read the book. :)

    Love your comment about Lydia - haha! So true that her marriage was no secret. :P

    Great thoughts about the moral of the book! And that reply to Mr. Collins was so good, wasn't it? ;) Mr. Bennet was in rare form by the end, LOL.

    Thank you again for your thoughts and participation, friend! Looking forward to talking more Austen and books in general with you!


    1. I really did have a great time, and I am so glad you enjoyed reading the book, too! Can't wait for the next read-along! :-)

  2. Oh Lady Catherine was just insufferable! She is truly something else and filled me with exasperation! ha! The letter to Mr. Collins was priceless!!! So many good things in these last chapters! Mrs. Bennet's rapid turn-around where Darcy was concerned cracked me up at the same time it irritated me! We can see where Lydia gets her flighty-ness! ha! Love love love this book and loved reading it with you! Looking forward to the next read-along as always!

    1. Lady Catherine truly is something else, Julie! And I agree; Lydia does take after her mother in her personality. Can't believe our reading of this wonderful book is over, but it's been so fun! :-) Thanks for stopping by throughout the read-along to chat!


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