Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I *Still* Haven't Read Yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.


Every bookworm suffers from an overwhelming TBR. (Note: the term "suffer" is used loosely in this context.) There are so many books in the world and when one feels the need to read them all, a great pile of books marked as "to-be-read" is the result. Sometimes certain books go unread for absurd amounts of time, not because they are unappealing, rather, because there is a lack of time. Listed below are ten books that I've been meaning to read since before I started blogging, and have yet to get to.


10: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski

I think I bought this book at a library sale a few years ago. It isn't the type of story I'd usually read, but maybe someday I'll get to it.


9: The Girl of the Woods by Grace Livingston Hill

I bought this book when I was maybe 15, and I still haven't read it.


8: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemmeny Snicket

I've read the first three books in the series, but have yet to finish the others sitting on my shelf.


7: Memoirs of a Geisha by

I don't own a copy of this book, but it has been on my TBR forever.


6: Insurgent by Victoria Roth

I read Divergent a few years ago, and I liked it. I tried to read Insurgent and couldn't get into it, though I'd like to give it another shot sometime.


5: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
It'll happen someday.


4: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

I've had a copy of this book for a long time. I've started, but haven't finished it. That will change one day.


3: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

This is another book I've had on my shelf for years, and just haven't gotten to it. I will someday, though.


2: Emma by Jane Austen

In my attempt to read all of Ms. Austen's books, I can't leave out Emma. It's shameful how long this book has sat on my shelf unread.


1: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

This book makes its way to practically every TBR post I write. I'm going to read it one day, I swear.


  1. Nice list of books!! Memoirs of a Geisha is one of my all time favorite novels. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle was so so.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. Glad to hear you liked Memoirs of a Geisha! I'd love to read it someday. Thanks for stopping by today! :)

  2. I've not read any of Austen's novels (well save for Sense and Sensibility - oh and I started 'Northanger' YEARS ago), but adore the adaptations. They're my happy place. :) Much as I like the Divergent films I've not felt the need to read the books. But never say never.

    1. I just finished Sense and Sensibility and I think it's my favorite Austen so far. I haven't seen any of the Divergent films yet, but maybe someday. Thanks for stopping by, Rissi! :)

  3. A great list Miranda! So true that we all have the TBR lists! Mine seems to grow year by year. At one time I tried to read only from my TBR list, but the problem I found, was that authors don't stop writing for me to catch up! ha! So many new books each year that I want to read! I enjoyed The Series of Unfortunate Events when I read it years ago. I also enjoyed The Memoirs of a Geisha. I've read Divergent and Insurgent, but have never read the last book Alegiant. I don't know why, I just have never gotten to it. Loved all of the movies! I have read all of Jane Austen's books and loved them and seen most of the adaptations of them :) I get obsessed can you tell? ha! I have so many YA sitting on my TBR pile. I have the sequel to The Compound, the sequel to the Life As We Knew It series, Stars Above(the short stories of the Lunar Chronicles) and so many more that I just have never gotten to. Maybe someday...Great list and post Miranda!

    1. That's awesome, Julie! I'm glad you enjoyed all those books. Who doesn't love a good Jane Austen book/film adaptation? Hope you get to all the books on your TBR soon! Happy reading! :)


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