Top Ten Tuesday: A Wishlist

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

To have an unlimited amount of funds to buy whatever books you want.... It's a pretty overwhelming thought, isn't it? Think of all the books in the world. There are so very many. That's why this week's topic, in which we ask ourselves which ten books we would buy this second if we were given an unlimited gift card, was a little hard for me. Not because I couldn't come up with enough books to fill the list, but for the opposite reason; I could easily come up with hundreds of books I'd buy if I were gifted an unlimited gift card! Like many of you out there, I'm striving for a Beauty and the Beast home library. To have an entire room filled from floor to ceiling with books..... *Sigh*. It's what dreams are made of.

Somehow, I was able to narrow the list down to ten (okay, I listed a couple of series) and below is the finished product. Hope you enjoy!

10: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
These books would look awfully pretty on a bookshelf.

9: The Crown by Kiera Cass
I've only read The Heir by Keira Cass and I liked it. The covers of the books are so pretty and I think the cover for The Crown is my favorite so far because I love the pink.

8: The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe by Edgar Allen Poe
I saw this book once in a store and it was so pretty. It's a big hard cover with gilt edged pages and a string of fabric to use as a bookmark. Inside the covers are lined with spider web printed pages. It's a really neat book.

7: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire was my favorite book in The Hunger Games trilogy. I only own the first book, so if this elusive gift card were to magically appear, I'd have to buy Mockingjay, too, wouldn't I?

6: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Once upon a time, I went in search of A Wrinkle in Time at some local bookstores. I found all the other books in the series, except for this one. I'd like to buy a copy to complete the set.

5: A Tangled Web by L.M. Montgomery
I read this book for the first time back in January. It isn't one of my absolute favorites from Lucy Maud Montgomery, but I still enjoyed it. I love the Sourcebook editions of her books; the covers are so pretty.

4: Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee
This is one of those books that really need to be read in print rather than in digital format. I've rented it from the library twice and flew through the pages both times. I'd love to have a copy for my shelf.

3: Anne of Windy Poplars by L.M. Montgomery

2: Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery
These are the only two books in the series I don't have a copy of.

1: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Eventually, I'd love to own all of Jane Austen's books, and Sense and Sensibility is at the top of my list.

And this is only a fraction of the books I'd like to buy. I hope you're all doing well. Feel free to tell me some books you'd buy this second in the comments!

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee is a fabulous read!! I listened to the unabridged audio version narrated by Reese Witherspoon earlier this year.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for the week:

    1. That sounds really neat! Thanks for stopping by today. :)

  2. Lovely books Miranda! I have several that you wish for so now I feel very fortunate! I love the covers of the Lunar Chronicles so of course I had to get all of them! I have the complete poems etc. of Edgar Allen Poe in a lovely anthology that is huge! I have a complete works of Jane Austen in a leather looking book that is lovely as well. I also have a stand alone of Pride & Prejudice in leather. Oh my, it is so pretty! I would love to have the Anne books all in the same type of covers. My collection is a mixture of paperback and hardback. A roomful of books? Yes, I have that! But it shares duty with a playroom for my grandkids. My youngest daughter has semi-moved out but her things are still in her room. I'm tempted to pack it all up and move MORE books into it! More bookshelves are always in order. Unlimited funds? I would love that and could seriously do some damage! Great post!! I will try and get a post up on my blog soon.

    1. Wow, that's awesome! I've seen the leather bound copies of Jane Austen's books. They are really pretty. Always fun talking to you, Julie. :)

  3. The Lunar Chronicles made my list too. I read "Cinder" two years ago and told myself I'd buy a physical copy of the books so that I could finish the series. Sadly, I haven't yet. :( However, with a fully loaded gift card I'd buy the books right away.

    Happy readings! ;)

    1. Awesome! I haven't finished the series yet either, but they are definitely worth the read. Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. It's seriously so very hard to choose books. I always have a HUGE wishlist. And I really shouldn't, because I have a TON of books on my shelves I've never read.

    1. I know the feeling. There are so many wonderful books in the world, it's hard to get to them all! Thanks for stopping by, Stefanie. :)


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