Book of The Week #24 "The Christmas Cat"

by Melody Carlson
Garrison Brown has spent the past nine years serving as a missionary in Uganda. Now back in the United States, he's trying to settle in Seattle and find a job. Yet the grandmother who raised him has suddenly passed away, leaving him a house full of cats to tend to. It sounds simple enough, except for two things; Gram has left specific requirements that the potential owners must meet, and Garrison is allergic to the cats. As he tries to find homes for all six cats, he is met with challenges that leave his Christmas spirit lacking. Yet that could all change with the help of some neighbors.

The Christmas Cat was not what I was expecting. I thought it would be more about Garrison bonding with the cat, and in some ways it is, but I feel like it's more focused on how Harry, the Maine Coon cat, brings Garrison and Cara together. Not that that's a bad thing, it just ins't what I was expecting.

The Christmas Cat is a nice story. Very similar to Melody Carlson's other Christmas books, I feel a lot of people who love heartwarming stories will enjoy this book, because that seems to be the general tone of the book; heartwarming. Fans of Hallmark movies will really enjoy Melody's Christmas books.

I give this book a 4 out of 5.


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