Goodbye 2015

This post contains some of my favorite things from the year of 2015. I didn't list books because I have a whole post dedicated to the books I read this year, which lists my favorites from the year. Same thing with blog posts. If you'd like to read more about them, just click here and here.

2015 admittedly was not a very good year for me personally. But, there were a few good things that happened and so in this post I want to focus on them. So let's get to it!


Got my driver's license.
Released A NewSeason.
Started doing book signings at local events and in turn sold more books.
Got a lot of blogging done.
Started using my Kindle a lot and found lots of great books through it.
Met my goal of reading 50 books I'd never read.
Learned about some of the important things in life.
Took the NaNoWriMo challenge and completed it.
Tried new teas.
Cut bangs back into my hair.
Stopped coloring my hair (hello soft, shiny, healthy locks!).
Wore less make-up (very freeing!).
Found a floral backpack that I love.

I don't play music (though I wish I could!) but it is a pretty big part of my life, as it is in a lot of people's lives. I listen to music all the time and so I wanted to list a few songs I've come to love this year.
(Some of these songs were released prior to 2015, but I only recently discovered them, so I'm listing them here.)


The only new movie I watched in 2015 was Big Eyes, which I think was released in theatres around Christmas last year. Haha! I'm pretty picky about new movies and I really am not a fan of going to the theatre. It has to be something really special for me to go see it in theatres! Nothing this year really compelled me that much (though I have been thinking of renting Cinderella and Inside Out) but next year I'm looking forward to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies as well as Through The Looking Glass.

TV Shows

Gilmore Girls! I first began watching Gilmore Girls at the end of last year and quickly fell in love. Over the year, I've slowly collected all the seasons on DVD and it has definitely become my new favorite show. So looking forward to the four new episodes!

Some of these things are small, like finding a new backpack that I love and trying new teas, but even those small good things can add a little light to a darker year. Looking back on these nice memories can make me smile and give me hope that maybe the new year won't be so bad. I hope you all can look back on the good things that happened this year, leave the bad things in the past and hold dear memories in your heart for the rest of year life.

Goodbye 2015.

-Miranda Atchley


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