Lately 12/8/2015

No snow here in Arkansas, but I'm read for some.

Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well. I decided to share a post about some of my favorite things at the moment. It was a fun post to write. Nothing complicated about it and it took a lot pressure off because it's just for fun. It kind of helped me to remember how fun writing can be. I think I'd like to do one of these post once a month.

Anyway, here's what I've been up to lately.

Listening: Christmas music wise, the main thing I've been listening to is Project 86's "This Time of Year". It's really different, sort of Goth rock, something I would imagine Tim Burton listening to at Christmas. Other songs I'm loving are: Now I'm Silver by Merriment, Why When Love Is Gone by The Like, I Could Be There For You by Eisley, Wonderwall by Oasis, Tonight,Tonight by Smashing Pumpkins, Rushmole Ruffians by The Smiths, Hero by Family of The Year.

Watching: Downton Abbey, Adventure Time. Pretty typical of me. I finished Gilmore Girls last month and cried bitter, ugly tears. That is the best show ever.
Reading: Psalms, The Christmas Dog. I'm trying to read some new Christmas books this year and wrapping up my year of reading. My goal was to read 50 new books and so far I'm at 46 books for the year, one of which I had previously read, so I'd like to read 5 more by the end of the year. I want to read A Christmas Carol the week of Christmas. I'd also like to finish Pride and Prejudice and Zombies before the end of the year. Then I would just need to read two more books, which I think is very doable.

Loving: Coloring. I got one of the small grown up coloring books the other day and I love it. It really is a great way to relax. You just focus on coloring the pages and kind of get lost and stop stressing and worrying. It's awesome. And there are so many pretty ones out there. Really, they're all pretty, I think.

Other things: I'm feeling sort of lost now that NaNoWriMo is over. I've been working on blog posts and brainstorming ideas for new novels, but I miss my NaNo project. I'm ready to start revising in January! I'm also thinking of a few goals for 2016 that I would like to accomplish. It seems so surreal that the year is coming to an end.

So that's what has been going on in my life lately. What's new with you, friend?

-Miranda Atchley


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