Book of the Week #32 "The French Twist Series"

The French Twist Series
by Sandra Byrd

24-year-old Lexi Stuart can't seem to find her niche. She has a college degree in French studies and has worked a few different jobs since graduating, but hasn't been able to keep any of them, nor has she been able to keep a boyfriend. After moving back in with her parents and being let go of from another job, she's beginning to wonder if things will ever look up. Then she goes to L'Esperance for a morning cafe creme and decides to apply for a job despite the fact that she will likely disappoint everyone in her family. What she doesn't know is that this new job could open doors she never dreamed would be in her future.

Books in the series include:

So this is not my typical read. If I'm going to read romance, it's most likely going to be historical because I just prefer the style, yet I do find exceptions here and there. I would never have guessed that I'd enjoy this series as I have nothing (and I do mean nothing) in common with any of the characters. Lexi is a pretty bubbly type of person and that's just not the type of person I normally relate to. But there are moments when she expresses feelings of doubt and I think that helps bring her back down to earth. Some of the dialogue is enjoyable too, as it is fast paced and lets you really fly through the book. But I think the thing that really draws me to this series is the French influence. I really like that and enjoyed reading about it. Bon Appetite was my favorite as it took place primarily in France. I read all of these on my Kindle and loved seeing all the little Eiffel Tower's scattered throughout the books. And fair warning; these books will make you hungry! I loved reading about Lexi's cooking adventures.

I'll admit that the romance could be a bit too cutesy for me, but that's just personal preference. I like a bit of tragedy thrown in with romance and that's not happening here. And I was not thrilled with who Lexi wound up with, but again, that's just personal preference.

There are a lot of little things here and there that lower my view of these books, but then other things like the setting, the witty humor bits and Lexi's faith journey build it back up for me.

All in all, The French Twist Series is a sweet series that lovers of contemporary Christian romance will adore.

I give this series a 3 out 5.


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