Top Ten Tuesday: Fictional Crushes

Happy Tuesday everyone! This is my first time to participate in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. I love making lists and I'm excited to start participating in this weekly series.

In honor of Valentine's day being right around the corner, this week's top ten topic is favorite fictional crushes. Hope you enjoy my picks!

10 Gale, The Hunger Games
I know Peeta Mellark is The Hunger Games guy most everyone swoons over, but I have to say I like Gale. He was always a good friend to Katniss and helped take care of her family while she was in the games. Gale is a good guy.

9 Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice
He starts out as being a pretty big jerk, but he later makes up for it. "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Come on! *Swoon*

8 Keegan, While You're Awake
Keegan is a sweetheart. He's funny and lighthearted but also a knight in shining armor to Ava. The world could use more Keegans!

7 Wesley, The Princess Bride
Wesley was a true gentleman. Buttercup walked all over him, but he still loved her and saved her.

6 Eli Morretti, Amy Inspired  
Eli is an unconventional gentleman. He wears his dark hair long, has a tattoo and draws on everything, but he's one of the friendliest and most respectful fictional guys I've ever seen.

5 Jess Mariano, Gilmore Girls  
I never would have guessed that I would come to like the bad boy on Gilmore Girls. He was such a pain in the beginning! But after taking some time to himself, Jess really pulled himself together and became quite the catch.
4 Gilbert Grape, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
It's Johnny Depp. Enough said.

3 Tom Branson, Downton Abbey
Tom loved Sybil deeply and it was evident to anyone who saw them together. Tom's the best of the Downton Abbey guys in my opinion, and that is saying something.

2 Theodore "Laurie" Laurence, Little Women
Laurie is just the best. He was there for the March sisters through everything. And though he went through some rough patches, he still had a good heart underneath it all. I'm still not over the fact the Jo turned down his proposal.

1 Gilbert Blythe, Anne of Green Gables
Who doesn't love Gilbert Blythe? Sure, he was a bit of a know-it-all in the beginning, but he grew into a sensitive and smart man. He waited for over a decade for Anne. You can't not swoon over Gilbert Blythe.

So there are my top ten fictional crushes. Let me know in the comments who you "ardently admire and love." ;)

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Oh my goodness, Miranda! It totally made my day to see Keegan on your list! :D Thanks so much for including him. It makes my heart happy to know he made a good impression. ♥

    Yes, yes to Gilbert! Definitely swoon-worthy. And how interesting that you prefer Gale from The Hunger Games series. :) There were some things about Peeta that bothered me in the first book (namely, why didn't he seem to care about anyone else in the arena besides Katniss? Did he ever think about Rue?), but there were some things I really liked about him, too. Although it was really hard to watch everything that happens to him in the final two movies. *sigh*

    Anyway, here's a link to my list: My Fictional Crushes

    You inspired me to hop on board. ;) Thanks again!!


    1. Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! Keegan is a sweetie and you did a good job with him!

      Peeta is a nice guy, though I agree he seemed a bit one-sided in the arena. There's just something about Gale...

      Yay! I can't wait to see your list! I'll bet it's great.

      Thanks for stopping by, Amber! It's always fun talking to you.

      -Miranda Atchley

  2. Looong time since I watch Downton Abbey, but Tom was my favorite when I did watch it <3 I love Gilbert Blythe, remember I feel in love With when I saw the Movies when I was younger. I love Peeta, but I like Gale as a friend. He was a great friend ;-)

    1. Right there with you, Elin! Tom is just a great guy. And I too fell in love with Gilbert when I was a younger. He totally gave me high standards when it comes to guys! And I agree; Gale would make a good friend for any girl! Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed reading.

      -Miranda Atchley

  3. *swoon* So many amazing fictional guys! Mr. Darcy, Gale, Gilbert, Keegan AND TOM BRANSON (this guy really impressed me more and more each passing season), all amazing men! Love your list, Miranda. Such fun to read through it and remember all of the reasons we fell for these fictional characters in the first place.

    1. Aww, I'm glad you enjoyed this post! Books, movies and television sure do raise the bar for guys these days, don't they? You can't help but swoon over them. Thanks for stopping by, Rissi!

      -Miranda Atchley


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