Marvelous Start to a New WWII Series | Review: The Sea Before Us by Sarah Sundin

by Sarah Sundin

About The Book

 In 1944, American naval officer Lt. Wyatt Paxton arrives in London to prepare for the Allied invasion of France. He works closely with Dorothy Fairfax, a ÒWrenÓ in the Women's Royal Naval Service. Dorothy pieces together reconnaissance photographs with thousands of holiday snapshots of France--including those of her own family's summer home--in order to create accurate maps of Normandy. Maps that Wyatt will turn into naval bombardment plans.

As the two spend concentrated time together in the pressure cooker of war, their deepening friendship threatens to turn to love. Dorothy must resist its pull. Her bereaved father depends on her, and her heart already belongs to another man. Wyatt too has much to lose. The closer he gets to Dorothy, the more he fears his efforts to win the war will destroy everything she has ever loved.

The tense days leading up to the monumental D-Day landing blaze to life under Sarah Sundin's practiced pen with this powerful new series.

My Thoughts

I’m a reader that generally enjoys WWII fiction, and Sarah Sundin is one of my favorite authors in the genre. Her stories are engrossing and I can’t seem to put them down. I believe The Sea Before Us is Sarah Sundin’s best novel yet. I loved the London setting, which offers a fresh point of view from Sundin. Not only was the setting endearing, but the characters are what made the story. Both Dorothy Fairfax and Wyatt Paxton were likeable characters and I enjoyed getting to know them. While the story began with Dorothy and her father being on bad terms, I liked seeing them grow closer as they both learned certain truths about each other. And the story of grace and redemption portrayed for Wyatt was touching and well-written. All of this paired with Sundin’s snappy yet tender prose made for an amazing novel that I breezed through and left me wanting more.

Overall, The Sea Before Us is a fabulous, heartfelt beginning to a new Christian fiction series by a beloved author. Fans of WWII fiction and historical romance will love this book.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.


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