Anne of Green Gables Read-Along Chapters 22-30

Hello, readers and friends. Sorry this is coming late; my laptop was being worked on yesterday and I wasn't able to get everything ready in time. Today I'm checking in with the fourth discussion post for the Anne of Green Gable read-along. I can't believe that next our read-along will be over! Time flies when you're having fun.

These chapters are tinged bittersweet. Slowly and subtly, Anne is growing up. She becomes a teenager and begins classes to prepare for entrance exam into Queen's. She begins to wonder if she'll be able to use her imagination the older she gets. Yet her imagination still manages to get her into trouble. Such as when she floats down the Lake of Shining Waters in Mr. Barry's boat, pretending to be the dead Elaine. When the boat fills with water, who else but that wicked Gilbert Blythe is to row up and save her? Still holding her grudge, Anne is adamant to not forgive him. Yet unbeknownst to anyone, Anne does forgive and forget. Anne also breaks her ankle by walking a ridge pole on a dare, and has an unfortunate incident when she dyes her hair.

Discussion Questions

This week I have only one question.

1: Do you feel that one should quit using their imagination as one grows?
No, I don't. Obviously, because I'm an author, I don't think anyone should ever stop using their imagination. Of course, there are times when we have to be sensible and focus on tasks at hand, but I think imagination is one of God's greatest gifts. They can provide endless entertainment and help carry us through not-so-great times.

Favorite Quotes:

"And there is no sweeter music than that which the wind makes in the fir-trees at evening."

I can't believe we're entering the last week of the Anne of Green Gables read-along! I've had a lot of fun with it, and I hope you all have, too. See you next week for the last discussion.

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I agree with you on imagination. Wouldn't it be sad if we would lose our imagination once we turned a teenager or younger. So many things would never be accomplished. There would be no computers to get frustrated at though! ha! I've enjoyed re-reading Anne. Looking forward to reading the last chapters and discussing them. :)

  2. It would be so sad! Thank you, Julie. Looking forward to reading your answers this Thursday!


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