Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Reasons Why I Love Thrift Stores

Today's Top Ten Tuesday post is sort of an open topic. This week, we were asked to list ten reasons why we love "x". We can pick any topic we'd like, from certain book genres, food, television shows, nature, etc... The sky is the limit. I decided to go with thrift stores. I love thrift stores. It's one of the very few things my mom and I differ on (my grandmother left behind a lot of things and my mom doesn't see the point in going to thrift stores with all the stuff we already have). But it was one of the things my grandmother I did together. I must admit, when I was little and tagged along to yard sales and resale shops with her, I found it kind of boring and didn't see the point. But the older I've gotten, the more I've come to appreciate them and I have fond memories of outings to look for vintage gems.

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Thrift Stores

10: Hidden Gems
You never know what you're going to find at a thrift store. One of the first things I look for at resale shops are books (are you shocked?) and I once found a signed copy of Sarah, Plain and Tall. I still consider it one of my favorite finds, though there are many that bring back fond memories.

9: Supporting Local Artists
Lots of times thrift stores rent out booths and people sell handmade pieces in them. It's nice to know that you're supporting an artist by purchasing something they put their soul into.

8: Good Prices
Granted, I have been to thrift stores that I feel are too pricey, yet most are generally pretty reasonable. That signed copy of Sarah, Plain and Tall I mentioned? I got it for 10 cents. Yep; one little dime. You can find so many things for good prices at thrift stores.

7: My Grandmother
My grandma loved to go to thrift stores, and her house still pretty much looks like one, because most of the things she decorated with came from a thrift store. We used to go to resale shops together a lot. Every time I go to a thrift store I think of her, and I'll take all the memories of her that I can get.

6: The Atmosphere
Maybe it's the fact that they remind me of my grandmother, but to me thrift stores have a really neat atmosphere. It's sort of cozy and warmer than other stores.

5: The Hunt
I just find it really fun to go to a thrift store and search through the many piles of things. It's really neat to see the variety of items that numerous people have placed for purchase. You can go in looking for one item and wind up finding something really special you never dreamed you would have come across. Granted, that could be a bit dangerous, but it's pretty neat.

4: Retro Things
Have you ever considered that the things you find at thrift stores have a story? That maybe the knick-knack you bought was once an anniversary gift, or someone originally bought the painting hanging on your wall because it reminded them of someone else. These things could hold endless stories and that's a beautiful thing. You can't get that a retail store.

3: Handmade Crafts
Many times you'll find handmade items at thrift stores. It's really neat to see how people repurpose old items that seem unusable and make them something really great.

2: Waste Not, Want Not
I'm not a huge recycling enthusiast, though I know it couldn't hurt to be a little more environmentally conscious. Still, I think it's great that people are able to find old things at thrift stores instead of letting them sit and rot.

1: Unique Items
When it comes down to it, you just can't go to a place like Walmart or Target and find the things you'll find at a thrift store. If you're decorating, thrift stores are an awesome place to go. I'd wager to say that about 75% of the things in my room were in a resale shop at one point in time. And I love the way all of these neat pieces come together. You can find sturdy pieces that have stood the test of time for cheaper than a-not-so-well-crafted piece of furniture at one of the major retail stores. And they look so much more interesting than the run of the mill pieces.

Thank you all for stopping by today. I hope you've enjoyed this post. Swing by tomorrow for Book of the Week!

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I love a good thrift store...I try to find one whenever I travel and at least browse a little. You never know what might turn up!

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun, Gabby! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. Oooo, nice topic and good reasons to visit a thrift shop,,,, I enjoy visit used bookstores for many reasons too.

  3. Pretty much my entire wardrobe came from thrift stores. As did whatever of my furniture that didn't come from my family. Before I got my Kindle, most of books came from there also.


    1. I love finding good deals on clothes at thrift stores. And used books are always good! :) Thanks for stopping by! :)


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