Book of the Week #47 "The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder"

by Rachel McMillan

Merinda Herringford and Jem Watts are two bachelor girls living in 1910s Toronto. The two are up and coming detectives, whose names are beginning to spread about the city. This could be accredited to Ray DeLuca of The Hogtown Herald, a friend to Merinda and Jem. The two also have a friend in Detective Constable Jasper Forth. When the body of an immigrant Irish woman appears on the floor of The Elgin Theatre, Jasper, against his better judgment, allows Jem and Merinda onto the scene to investigate. Jasper gets demoted for his letting the ladies onto the premises. And then another body turns up. Jem and Merinda are on the case, but not without causing an uproar. The Morality Squad, who feel it is their duty to keep the women of Toronto in their place, have their eyes set on the women detectives and one of their members is interested in Jem. Yet she has eyes only for an Italian newspaper reporter, who's journal she just so happens to be in possession of. His descriptions of the city Jem so dearly loves do a number on her heart. They're so beautiful, in fact, that they help her to look over the fact that Ray's poetry is atrocious. But all the hopes in her heart could be smothered by the reality of her career.

I enjoyed this book just as much as I expected to. I loved A Singular and Whimsical Problem so I had high expectations. It's charming and filled with suspense; both in how the case will turn out, as well as how Jem's relationships will play out. And The Ending; oh my word! I won't give away an spoilers; just suffice it to say that I did not see The Ending coming. I mean, I suspected it later in the series, but the fact that it happened in this book made me curious how things would go in future books.

The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder is a sparkling novel that fans of cozy mysteries and historical fiction will surely enjoy.

I give this book a 5 out of 5.


  1. It was a good cozy mystery and I am looking forward to reading more about Merinda and Jem. And yes, that ending!!!

    1. I totally agree, Julie! :) Thanks for stopping by!


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