Hey There, November

It's always a little depressing when October comes to a close. The jack-o-lanterns are wilting and covered with mold, the candy is becoming stale, all of the Halloween decorations are going on clearance (which actually isn't such a bad thing). And as sad as I am about the fact that my favorite month has ended, I can take solace in the fact that November will be a crazy busy month, full of things that I have been looking forward to.

1) NaNoWrioMo! I heard about this a few years ago while I was still in college and was too busy just trying to keep my head above water to take the challenge. And since then I just never did it. But this year, I'm going to do it and I am excited about it! If you're a praying person, pray for me, because I am going to need it coming up with 1,667 words a day.

2) Book sale. Starting November 3rd, my local library will be having its annual book sale. The library will have rows of books for sale all month and all proceeds go back into the library, which I love.

3) Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is going to be quite different this year since my grandma won't be there, but we'll try to have as good a time as possible. You can't help but look forward to turkey and green bean casserole.

4) Black Friday. I can't believe I've become a person who looks forward to Black Friday, but they have good deals. I'm not one of those people who stand land in line for hours and stampedes through the store doors, but I do like to go mid-Friday morning and look around. Last year I got the first two seasons of Downton Abbey for $9.96 each at Walmart and I am really hoping to get seasons 3, 4, and 5 for the same price this year.

5) My nephew's birthday! I can't believe he'll be 5-years-old this month. Makes this aunt feel old.

And on top of all that I really want to continue working on this blog and building it up. Plus I'm seven books away from my reading goal for the year so I need to get some books read this month, too. I 
better stop before I give myself a heart attack.

So November will definitely be a full month in my world. But that's a good thing. And I hope you'll read along with me as it all takes place.

-Miranda Atchley


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