Lately 11.13.2016

Hey readers and friends. I hope you're all doing well. November has been a little off in some ways to me, between the time change, and all the drama with the election and the bickering that that always brings; I've just been a little out of sorts. But, I have gotten some writing done, as well as some reading, so that's what I'm here to tell you about today.


I'm getting more progress done on the sequel to A Castle in the Sky. It still doesn't have a title yet, but sometimes, that's the way it goes. I don't think it will be out by the time I had wanted to release it (early December) but I really hope I can get it out in early January. I'm at a little over 32,000 words, and starting to look at cover design.


I'm finally reading Jane Eyre. It's been on my list forever and I kept planning to read it, and have decided that this is the month I will read it. I was always sort of nervous to read it because it seemed like such a sad story. True, it does have sad parts, but there's been more to it than that I've liked the 40% of it that I've read so far. Other than that, I'm reading Rachelle Rea Cobb's TheSound of Silver. I haven't gotten too far in it yet, but I've liked what I've read so far.

Thanks for stopping by today! Hope you all have a great month.

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Happy November! I'm so excited I can listen to Christmas music now! Congrats on so much progress in your book! I really hope to read Castle In The Sky before the sequel is published *rolls eyes at self*

    Darn reading slumps!

    1. Happy November to you too, friend! Hope your month is going well. I'm getting more excited for Christmas; it's taken longer this year for me to get into the spirit. I hope you enjoy A Castle in the Sky! Happy reading, Stefanie! :)

  2. Congrats on the writing progress, Miranda. That's an accomplishment one can always feel good about. :)

  3. Have you finished Jane Eyre? I love that book! I also love the movie adaptations. So those are a must after you read the book. I would recommend the long version with Timothy Dalton in it, but my favorite is an old version with George C. Scott and Susanna York. Love love love that one! November? Where did October go?! I've been kind of out of the loop it seems since I was in CA for a month. We got home on the 9th of November and it seems like we have hit the ground running! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is Thursday! I'm so not ready!! As always, love catching up with you and love your posts!

    1. You've been busy! Hope you had a great vacation! I have the George C. Scott/ Susanna York version of Jane Eyre. It's been a while since I've watched it. I'm really enjoying this book. It's becoming a favorite. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and thanks for always stopping by, Julie! :)


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