Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I've Recently Added to My TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

TBR's are an ever growing thing. Every bookworm knows this. Every time you finish one book, it seems as though two or three new ones pop up on your radar, and they go onto the TBR. Today, The Broke and The Bookish asked us to list ten books that we have recently added to our TBRs, so here's mine.

10: Waves of Mercy by Lynn Austin
I hear a lot of people talk about Lynn Austin, but I've never read any of her books. Someone recommended this book to me, so I added it to my TBR on Goodreads.

9: Fair is the Rose by Liz Curtis Higgs
I found this book at our library's book sale for 50 cents. It's set in 18th century Scotland, so it sounds pretty neat.

8: The Thornbearer by Pepper Basham
This book kept popping up on the recommendations for me on Goodreads. The cover is really neat, and I'd like to give it a try.

7: A Portrait of Emily Price by Katherine Reay
I think I added this book to my TBR several months ago when it was first available on Goodreads, but this book was recently released, so I'm going to go ahead and add it to the list. Katherine's books have sort of been hit or miss with me. My favorite was The Bronte Plot, but I'm curious about this book, especially since it takes place in Italy.

6: Unblemished by Sara Ella
I've been seeing this book going around a lot lately since it recently debuted. It seems like a neat book, and I would like to read it sometime.

5: The Sound of Emeralds by Rachelle Rea Cobb
I read The Sound of Diamonds, and am currently reading The Sound of Silver, so of course I need to read The Sound of Emeralds to see how this charming series ends!

4: Villet by Charlotte Bronte
Currently, I'm reading Jane Eyre.

3: Can't Help Falling by Kara Isaac
I knew Kara Isaac had a new book coming out this year, but I wasn't terribly interested in it until I read a sample of it at the end of Close To You. Whereas Close To You had a Tolkien theme, Can't Help Falling has a C.S. Lewis theme. It also takes place in England during winter. So it sounds pretty awesome.

2: The Illusionist's Apprentice by Kristy Cambron
I really liked The Ringmaster's Wife, and want to read more of Kristy Cambron's novels. The Illusionists Apprentice comes out in 2017, and sounds really interesting; it's about a woman who was Harry Houdini's assistant.

1: Talking As Fast As I Can by Lauren Graham
I just can't wait for this book! I get so excited every time I think about it.

What books have you all recently added to your TBR's? Let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear what books you're interested in. Who knows; maybe I'll find some more to add to mine. :)

-Miranda Atchley


  1. The Illusionist's Apprentice has a nice cover. It seems like I am always adding books to my ever growing reading wishlist after reading TTT threads like this week's TTT post.

    Here's my TTT post for the week:

    Happy reading!

    1. Isn't it a nice cover? Yes, lists like this always give us ideas for our TBRs! Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. Ooooh good picks! Why is it so hard not to buy way more books than one needs?! The illusionists apprentice especially - I've never heard of it but uhm WANT!

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading The Illusionists Apprentice; it sounds so interesting. And oh goodness, is it hard to not buy new books even though you have way too many un-read ones at home! Thanks for stopping by today, Stefanie.

  3. I'm really excited for Lauren Graham's autobiography too!
    My TTT:

    1. Me too! I really hope it lives up to all of our expectations. Thanks for stopping by today.

  4. Ahh! Sara's and Katherine's are AMAZING! Of course, I'm also really curious and excited for Kristy's too. :)

    Glad you dropped by Finding Wonderland, Miranda. :)

    1. I've heard lost of good things about Sara and Katherine's books. Definitely looking forward to them! And Kristy's sounds like a really interesting read. Thanks for stopping by, Rissi!


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