Book of the Week #40 "Anne of Ingleside"

by L.M. Montgomery

Years have passed since the fifth Anne book, Anne's House of Dreams, and we now find Anne and Gilbert in a new home, named Ingleside, with their six children. The children have inherited their mother's sense of whimsy and wonder, playing make believe with vivid imaginations to rival that of Anne's. As Anne is growing older and her doctor husband grows busier, she begins to wonder if Gilbert loves her as much as he used to. When Anne and Gilbert spend an evening with Anne's rival, the now widowed and childless Christine Stuart, and Gilbert seems awfully comfortable with Christine. Anne is green with envy, sure that this means Gilbert cares for her no longer. Yet, just as when he was a schoolboy, Gilbert Blythe has eyes only for Anne, and by the ending of the book, all is well.

In this book, we read a lot more about Anne and Gilbert's kids. This book, along with the last two books in the Anne of Green Gables series, is more about the kids than Anne, which is sort of sad, yet we still get to hear from Anne from time to time. I love that Anne remains whimsical and continues daydreaming as she grows older, and that she still has a spark, though it's all mellowed by time. She simply grows better.

Also, can I just gush about these covers for a moment? These editions are from the publisher Sourcebooks and they are soooo pretty. I love them.

All in all, Anne of Ingleside, though sad in that we don't see quite as much of Anne as in the books, is a lovely piece of the Anne Shirley story.

I give this book a 5 out of 5.


  1. I love all things Anne! I too love that her children are as whimsical and day-dreamy as Anne was as a child. Seeing Anne as an adult is kind of bittersweet really. It is nice to see her grown up and that she and Gilbert are happy together, but we miss the orphan childhood Anne that we all came to love when we first met her. Yes, she has maintained her whimsical spirit, but it is definitely tempered by age and maturity. A richer fuller Anne :) I love that Gilbert still only has eyes for her, it reminds me of an old saying, "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be." I love seeing them grow old together.

    1. I love anything to do with Anne, too!

      It is really bittersweet, but I'm glad that she still kept her whimsy and remained true to herself as she grew older. And Gilbert will always be the best book guy! He loved Anne since the moment he met her and never stopped. That's a really sweet quote. :)

      Thanks for stopping by today, Julie! As always, it was great to read your thoughts.


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