Finishing a Novel

You know how you feel when you finish a book that you really love? You're sad, you don't want it to be over, and sometimes you just sit and hug it. Well, that's pretty much how it feels to finish writing a novel that you love, only so much more intense.

It's so odd to finish a novel. During the writing process, you wake up in the morning, knowing that you'll be working on your book. There are things you know that need some work; sometimes certain phrases are on your mind, some scenes implore for your attention. When you finish the book, you still wake up thinking that way, but then you remind yourself; it's finished.

Finishing A Castle in the Sky has made me sad. I'm so very happy to be publishing it and sharing it with the world, but I'm sad that I won't be working on it anymore. I loved working on this book. I love the characters (except for the "villains," though their roles are pretty necessary to the story) and I love the setting. I feel like it has begun a new era for me, and I am so excited to be on this path. And this isn't the last the last time I'll be hearing from Abi; I've already begun the sequel. :)

Only 19 more days until A Castle in the Sky releases! I can't wait.

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Aw, congratulations on the completion of A Castle in the Sky! I totally get what you mean about that bittersweet feeling...there's nothing quite like being immersed in a book project and watching the characters' stories unfold and come together through the writing and editing process. It's fun to revisit them by rereading the story, but there's something special about that season when you're creating it. :) But yay for sequels! It helps ease the mixed-up emotions when you know you can continue writing about the same characters.

    Looking forward to seeing A Castle in the Sky launched out into the world! :D


    1. Thank you, Amber! It really is a special thing to write a book, especially when you love reading so much, isn't it? There's nothing quite like it. I'm excited to see what happens with this book, and can't wait to where the sequel goes!

      Thank you for all of your enthusiasm and support for A Castle in the Sky! It means so much to me.

      -Miranda Atchley

  2. So awesome to hear about your process Miranda :) I need to experience this feeling again soon! I remember it being pretty awesome.

    P.S. I love the cover :)

    1. It is an awesome feeling! :)

      Thank you so much Stefanie! Love hearing from you.


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