Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People You Should Follow

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

So today's topic is ten people you should follow on social media and/or on their blogs. I kind of have a mix here; some I mostly follow on their blogs, others I mostly follow on social media, but most I follow on both. The group of bloggers I've listed are talented people and I'm glad to have found them online.

Stefanie's fairly new to the blogging world, but I love reading her short fiction and she writes fun reviews. She's been a good "book bestie" and is very encouraging to me. Definitely check her out!

9: Brona of Brona's Books
I love reading Brona's Books because she blogs about the classics. Who can get enough of those? And I really appreciate her hunger to read books of all sorts, because I can really relate to that.

8: Amber of Amber Florenza
I love following Amber on Pinterest; her boards are filled with lovely, and beautiful, story inspiration. We share a love of historical fiction, and I really enjoyed her historical holiday novel, Celebrate! Tis The Season

7: Emily of Taking Dictation
Emily Ann Putzke writes and publishes historical fiction. I haven't gotten a chance to read her novels yet, but they sound so interesting and I am really looking forward to reading them. Emily's blog is very interesting to read; I love reading the history she incorporates into her posts and seeing all the lovely black and white photos on her blog.

6: Grace of Fictionally.
I really like the whole fairy tale theme of Grace's blog; it's so neat and pretty to look at! She often blogs about fairytale re-tellings and historical fiction, though other books are featured on Fictionally., as well. Grace is also going to be a published author; her re-telling of Sleeping Beauty will be featured in Five Magic Spindles this summer. So exciting!

5: Jenni of Jenni Elyse
I found Jenni's blog when she, Kami, and Suey hosted the Little Women read-along in February. I really like her blog; her mini reviews are a fun concept and I enjoy reading about her other fandoms on Twitter.

4: Julie of My Favorite Pastime
Julie and I have participated in two different read-alongs together; Little Women and Northanger Abbey. It's always fun to read her thoughts on books. I'm looking forward to reading her blog and getting to know her more in the future!

Kara's blog is a lot of fun. I enjoy her personable and energetic writing style and I looooove the Anne of Green Gables inspiration of her blog! It's so fun. Plus, she's been a lot of fun to talk to during read-alongs!

2: Amber of Seasons of Humility
Amber Stokes is an editor and indie Christian author who blogs about books. She's hosted some fun Jane Austen read-alongs, and writes a lot of a book reviews, rating them on a system named for the four seasons. She's such a sweet person and lots of fun to talk to. She's also a very talented author; someone whose books I can't wait to read more of!

1: Rissi of Finding Wonderland
Rissi was one of the first book bloggers I started following when I became interested in the community. Her blog is a fun collection of book and film reviews, giveaways, and cover candy posts. Her blog is a treat to read and pretty to look at. Rissi and I have had lots of good talks about Downton Abbey over on The Silver Petticoat Review and she's always a joy to talk to. And that name, Finding Wonderland? Love it!

So that completes this week's Top Ten Tuesday! I hope you enjoyed this post. Tell me, who are some bookish people you enjoy following?

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Why thank you very much Miranda. I'm honoured to be on this list :-)

    1. You're very welcome! You have an awesome blog! :)

  2. Aww, thank you so much, Miranda!!! :)

  3. Aww, thank you so much, Miranda!!! :)

    1. You're so welcome, Amber! It's been a pleasure getting to know you! :)

  4. Thanks for including me on your list Miranda! It's been fun chatting about books with you on the read-alongs! Looking forward to getting to know you more :)

    1. You're welcome! I'm looking forward to getting to you more, too! :)

  5. Thank you! I'm glad I could help direct you to some great bloggers. Will have to check out your list! :)

  6. Thanks so much Miranda 😘 I'm so glad we have met and become friends :) I need to write some more for my blog :)

    I will check out your other friends when I'm on my actual computer

    1. You're welcome, Stefanie! I'm glad we're friends, too. I'll look to reading more of your blog! :)

  7. Some of these mentioned I'm familiar with (*waves at Stefanie, Kara, Amber, and Rissi*), but the others I need to check out. :-D
    I know I already said this on Twitter, but just thought I'd thank you again for mentioning Fictionally. It added an extra perk to my day.

    1. You're welcome, Grace! I'm glad it brought you some joy. :)

  8. Miranda, thank you so very much for including Finding Wonderland on your list. I'm honored to be among bloggers whom I admire and who, in many ways challenge me to change, adapt and grow within this bookish community. It's a pleasure to chat with you anytime, and I so appreciate your kind words.

    Greetings to awesome book besties, Kara, Grace, and Amber, all three of these ladies own blogs that I frequent (and love) and those I don't know I'll have to swing by and visit! Yay for new bookish friends! :)

    Thanks again for the kind words - and I only just realized I'm not following YOUR amazing blog. Must remedy that ASAP. :)

    1. Aww, I'm glad to have brought some joy to your day, Rissi! Finding Wonderland is an amazing blog and deserves all the recognition it can get! It's always great to meet new book friends! And thank you so much for following A Real Writer's Life; it means more than you'll ever know. :)


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