Lately 4.11.2016

The Lunar Chronicles! I tore through Cinder and am now reading Scarlet. I've had a bit of a slow start because I've been busy with editing A Castle in the Sky, but I'm getting more into it, now. I enjoyed reading about the character of Cinder, with her dry humor and strength. And Prince Kai.... Ugh! I don't want to give away any spoilers; just suffice it to say that I hope things change by the time the series ends. Scarlet is most definitely a feisty one! And I'm not too sure what I think of Wolf yet. One minute, I think he's a good guy, then the next he does something crazy. I'll have to get further into the book to form a solid opinion of him. One of my favorite characters is Iko; she's a sweetheart and makes me laugh. Really looking forward to Cress and Winter.

Yesterday, I watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens with my parents. It was a fun movie. I like Rey and Finn; they're nice, strong characters. And I love BB-8; he's a sweet little droid. It was nice to see some of the old characters like Hans Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2, and C-3PO. I missed Yoda, though. I'm reeeeally hoping our Redbox has Brooklyn tomorrow. I want to see it so badly! And hello; those Entertainment Weekly photos of the new Gilmore Girls episodes? Gorgeous! So ready for the reunion.

A Castle in the Sky is finished! I kind of hate using that word "finished" in reference to my project, because it makes it sound like it's served its purpose, when it hasn't even begun to realize its potential. So instead of calling it done, I'm going to simply start saying; A Castle in the Sky is ready for publication! I sent the files in on Wednesday, they were approved by Createspace on Thursday, and I ordered the first round of copies to distribute locally. I'm so happy. I'm so excited for everyone to read it. Of course, there are those nerves that come around each time a new book comes out, but more than that, I'm just happy. The blog tour is taking place starting the 19th and ends on the 26th. A giveaway will be going on that week, as well. I have some participants, but there are still spots open, so if you're interested, please email me at: Note: I'd like to ask that you specify which date you'd like to post on in your email. You can pick any date between the 19th and 26th. I'd love to have any participants that are interested!

So that's life lately for me. I hope all is well with you, and I thank you for stopping by today. See you tomorrow for another edition of Top Ten Tuesday!

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I loved The Lunar Chronicles! Scarlet was my favorite :) I might suggest reading Fairest after Cress. The author snuck that one in before she gave us Winter, and I refused to read it because I was put out with her for not giving us Winter when promised. Once I read Winter though I thought it might have been a good idea to have read Fairest first so that I would have gotten a better idea of Levana's character. So, while it isn't necessary to read it, it does give more background into what formed her character. Kai...things change alright! And like I said, Scarlet was my favorite so I'm quite the fan of Wolfe :) Iko cracks me up! Wait til you read her in Winter! She's something else! I enjoyed the new Star Wars movie. It was good to see the oldies! ha! It reminded me of the original 3 movies and that made me happy. I wasn't a fan of the second set of 3. Too dark. I thought this one brought out more of the light-hearted characters that were in the first ones. Hopefully they come up with original themes and not rehash the old ones. I've not heard of Brooklyn, but I used to be a fan of Gilmore Girls. Since my maiden name is Gilmore and I had two sisters we always called ourselves The Gilmore Girls. So when the show came out of course I started watching it. I was a fan for a while, but having my daughters watch it and the theme changed from innocent to more adult I stopped watching. So I haven't seen the later episodes. Congratulations on your novel being ready for publication! Looking forward to reading it. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Awesome Julie! Glad to hear you loved this series so much. When I went to renew my books at the library last week, I picked up Fairest. I wasn't sure if I should read it before or after Winter, but I will definitely read it before, now! I'm glad to hear the thing with Kai changes! :) And I've heard Wolf comes around, so I'm hoping the further I get, the better he'll be.

      I agree with the second set of 3 Star Wars films being dark. I can barely of remember watching them when I was a kid (my brothers are huuuuge fans) and then a couple months ago we watched some clips and I was like, "What?!?" I did not remember them being that dark. But this one was lots of fun.

      Aww, that's sweet about calling yourselves "The Gilmore Girls" :) I can totally see where you're coming from; the later episodes would not be good for younger kids to watch.

      Thank you so much for all of your support for "A Castle in the Sky!" It means so much to me. Have a good week, Julie!

  2. Yay for The Lunar Chronicles! I loved this series, and was thrilled when I actually got to meet Marissa late last fall during her "Winter" tour. As for Iko, did you know that there's going to be some graphic novels coming out with her, I think, as the star? I would suggest you wait and read the other books before looking it up because of spoilers, but I thought'd I let you know that there is more Iko to come. :-D
    I bought the new Star Wars film yesterday, but I'm not sure when I'll watch it. I loved the movie, but "that one part" still make me angry when I think about it.
    Congrats on your novel- amazing accomplishment!!! I'd love to be a part of the tour, so I'll be sending you an email soon. :-D

    1. I'm really liking The Lunar Chronicles! It's a lot of fun and really keeps you on your toes. That's so cool that you got to meet Marissa Meyer! I'd love to meet her someday. I'd heard a little bit about the Iko graphic novels. I bet they'll be really neat, but I'll be sure and wait until I'm finished with the books before I read them. :)

      I can totally see where you're coming from on that part in Star Wars. :(

      Yay! I'm so excited you've joined the tour! I sent you an email with all the info. Thank you so much for your support, Grace! It means the world to me.

  3. I'm not a Star Wars girl so I've not seen the new movie but I do hear it's really good (Amber Stokes was actually talking about it). Also I never thought I'd watch Star Trek either and I love the reboots. So you know, never say never. ;)

    Gilmore Girls is going to be epic. No doubt about it! *excited*

    CONGRATS on finishing your novel, Miranda! That's amazing. So happy for you and wish you all the best in editing it. :)

    1. I don't consider myself to be a die hard fan of Star Wars, but you couldn't have grown up in my house without knowing at lease a little bit about the movies! Haha. I did enjoy this though; nice and fun and lighthearted. I've never seen an episode of Star Trek, though I have curious, so maybe someday I will give it a try.

      Gilmore Girls forever!! My sister-in-law can't quit talking about it. And looks like it's going to be like the old ones from those pictures; it seems to have the same. I hope I'm right Cannot wait!

      Thank you so much for your support of my new novel, Rissi! It means the world to me. :)


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