Top Ten Tuesday: Bookworm Delights

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Today's top ten Tuesday is all about the delights of being a bookworm. And let me tell you; there are many. It doesn't simply stop with reading a good book; it's just as delightful to fall in love with a book, meet new characters, collecting new books..... But I'm holding up progress. Listed below are ten delights of being a bookworm.

10: Bookish Themed Accessories
Who doesn't love wearing things inspired by their favorite books? Whether it's clothes, jewelry, or decorating your home space with quotes, we love representing our most beloved books. I adore this Louisa May Alcott inspired necklace made by HomeStudio and wear it often. Rissi and her mom have some lovely earrings inspired by The Lunar Chronicles, and Evie Seo has amazing home decor and accessories inspired by Jane Austen's books and others.

9: Relating to Fictional Characters
As we read, sometimes we're introduced to fictional characters that we just really relate to. Sometimes they're going through similar situations as us. Sometimes we like the same types of things. Other times, we just really admire the character, and wish we could be more like them. Whatever the case, it's so fun finding those characters that feel like a friend.

8: Taking Books Everywhere You Go
I go by the Rory Gilmore rule; never leave the house without a book. Or two. Or a hundred (on the days I decide to stick my Kindle in my bag). You never know when you'll need a book, so it's good to be prepared. Plus, taking a book with you is almost like having a friend at your side, and there's something quite comforting about that.

7: Books that You Can't Put Down
You know those books; the ones that you reach for the moment you wake up, and stay up reading until you can no longer hold your eyes open at night. The ones that prey on your mind as you go about your daily chores and can't wait to get to when you get a spare moment. Yeah; we bookworms love those books.

6: The Smell of Books
I have a feeling many others will have this on their list, but the smell of books is so tantalizing. Old books have that divine musty smell, new books have a lovely new smell; yet both are so comforting. You just can't resist it. Someone should totally start making book scented perfume.

5: New Bookstores
Okay, so I don't get to go to many new bookstores because the town I live in doesn't have any, but the few times I have been to one has been great. I can imagine spending hours curled up in one of the big overstuffed chairs many chains have set out for patrons, reading books to see if I like them before I buy them. Pure bliss.

4: Used Bookstores
Used bookstores are magical. I adore them. They're some of my favorite places on earth. They're like these lovely portals into new worlds, universes. I love the cozy feeling these used books stores have. There's something so charming about the creaky hardwood floors, mismatched bookshelves, musty scent and the stacks upon stacks of books. It is divine.

3: Those Moments that Touch Your Soul
Sometimes you read a certain passage and it just really resonates with you. Whether it's a poignant line, or a sentence that stirs a memory within you, I love reading those passages that make you stop in your tracks.

2: Falling in Love with a Book
We love discovering new books, but some are even more enjoyable than others. When you read the last page, close the book, and hold it tightly because you just don't want it to be over.... *sigh* I love that feeling.

1: Making Friends with Other Fans of a Book
This is a relatively new feeling for me. Before I started blogging, I almost never came across anyone who liked the same books I did. But because of my blog, Top Ten Tuesday, read alongs, etc.... I've found a lot of people who have similar taste in books as I do, and have made new friends because of it. We can gush about our favorite characters, swap quotes, and introduce each other to the books we love. That's so much fun!

As you can see, being a bookworm comes with many delights. I've only listed a few here today. What are some of your favorite bookish delights?

-Miranda Atchley

*P.S. I haven't forgotten about the giveaway! I'm actually scheduling this post to go live at midnight. In the morning, I'll log into Rafflecopter and click to draw for the winner and announce who it is here on the blog. Can't wait!


  1. It's always cool when you can see yourself in some of the fictional characters. Especially characters you love! :D Great TOP TEN!
    My TTT.

    1. It certainly is, Giovanna. Thank you so much for stopping by today!

  2. Aww, yes!! I carry a book with me just about everywhere!!

    Thank you for visiting by TTT post earlier and leaving me a comment. Happy reading!

    1. Yes! It feels weird when I don't take a book with me. You're more than welcome; I enjoyed your post! :)

    2. Yes! It feels weird when I don't take a book with me. You're more than welcome; I enjoyed your post! :)

  3. I seriously need more bookish accessories and home decor. I just want to be surrounded by BOOKS. Book everything :)


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