Armchair BEA 2016 Day 3 | Beyond the Book and Blog

Here on Day 3, we are moving our focus beyond the traditional format of the media we consume and create! Beyond the traditional form of the novel, what are your favorite alternative forms (graphic novels, audiobooks, webcomics, etc)? Do you have any favorite works within these alternate forms? How do you think the changing format affects the reading experience?

I don't read graphic novels or comic books, and I've never listened to audiobooks. I have a Kindle and read e-books, though I don't know if that really fits the category. If so, then I would say I don't really feel that it affects the reading experience. I still get my fiction fix and I love how convenient it is, but I still love old fashioned books, too.

Our secondary topic, beyond the blog could focus on the ways you engage in talking about books outside of your blog.

Do you participate in book clubs, take classes, meticulously maintain your goodreads profile? Let the world know!
I am not a member of any book clubs and I don't take classes, but I have considered it and would to love to if the opportunity presented itself. Unfortunately, I live in a pathetically tiny town that to my knowledge offers nothing in the way of book clubs/classes We have a small library, and that's it in the way of books. No bookstores (though I find used books at some thrift stores/yard sales and our Walmart and Dollar General both carry a small selection of books). Thinking about that makes me sad. I do participate in read alongs, but I suppose that falls under the blog category. I keep up my Goodreads page fairly well.

So there's day 3 of Armchair BEA. Thanks for stopping by today! See you tomorrow with a post that's all about fictional worlds.

-Miranda Atchley


  1. No bookclubs for me either. I guess I've never looked into a book club. I discuss books with my daughter, and an occasional friend, but for the most part I read so many books it would drive me crazy to have to wait a month until I could discuss it with a group. ha! No graphic novels or comics or audio's for me either. I just can't get into those. I definitely don't like to be read to so that lets out the audio. I have nothing against graphic novels, they are what got my youngest daughter to become a reader.

    1. I can understand how that would drive you crazy, Julie. I'd like to try audiobooks, especially to listen to when I takes walks, but I've just never really looked into it.


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