Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Picked Up on a Whim

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Even though I have an enormous "to be read" list and am always making lists of all the books I would like to read someday, I still pick up books on a whim. Whether I find them browsing at the library, see a good deal on a Kindle book, or find a book at a yard sale for dirt cheap, if a book sounds like something I would be interested in, I'll give it a go. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is all about such reads. So without further ado, here my top ten picks that I read on a whim.

10: Reconstructing Natalie by Laura Jensen Walker
I found this book at a thrift store for a very reasonable price and decided to give it a try. It's not my typical read, but I did enjoy it.

9: Garden of Angels by Lurlene McDaniel
Randomly found this one at the library and decided to give it a shot. Not one of my favorite novels, but it was a pretty decent read.

8: Kilmeny of the Orchard by L.M. Montgomery
When I found this book at the library, I rented it simply because it is by L.M. Montgomery. It isn't one of my favorites by her, but I still enjoyed it.

7: The Heir by Kiera Cass
I didn't know much about this series at all when I saw this book at the library. I picked it mainly because I thought the cover was so pretty. I still haven't read the rest of the series, though I'd like to at some point.

6: What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey
I remember seeing this in the new release section of my library last year. I used to watch The Oprah Winfrey Show with my grandma, and so I picked it up. I really liked it.

I picked this book up on a whim a few years ago. I loved it. It's thought provoking and heartbreaking, but such a good read.

4: The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Randomly decided to read this last year and loved it. It totally deserves all the hype it gets.

3: When I Married My Mother by Jo Mader
I know that that title is odd, but isn't what you'd think. Jo and her mother, Mama Jo, weren't close until Mama Jo's health began to decline and they bought a house together so Jo could take care of her. I've signed up for BookBub and one day this book was in the daily email listed for free. I really love it. It's heartwarming and heartbreaking.

2: A Singular and Whimsical Problem by Rachel McMillan
Before reading A Singular and Whimsical Problem, I had never read mysteries or detective novels. Yet this book is set in the Edwardian era, which I love, and a lot of people kept raving about it. So, when it was free for a few days, I downloaded it on my Kindle. I read it in a few hours and absolutely loved it! I love Jem and Merinda, and Ray and Jasper. The writing is fantastic. It's just so good. I'm really excited to read the rest of the Herringford and Watts series and am planning on featuring A Singular and Whimsical Problem as a Book of the Week soon.

1: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

I was still on the fence about this series when I saw the books at the library last month, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I've really enjoyed them and am glad I gave them a try.

So there are ten books I picked up out of the blue. Have you randomly found a book gem lately?

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I picked up The Lunar Chronicles on an impulse (by which I mean "because I thought the cover was awesome") and ended up really enjoying it!

    1. The covers are pretty cool Kelly! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Good list! I've read the Keira Cass series and enjoyed most of them. I stopped reading after The One though. I actually thought that was the end of the series, but apparently there are a few others that I have missed. I don't plan on reading any more of them because as I said, I thought the series ended and I was happy with the ending. Loved the Lunar Chronicles for sure. I had The Help a couple of years ago but never got to it so I passed it on to an aunt. I liked the parts of the movie that I have seen :) I have Kilmeny of the Orchard on my Kindle but haven't started it yet. I've never read any of Lurlene McDaniel books, but when I worked in a library I read several of the backs of the books and thought they always sounded depressing. Kind of like a Nicholas Sparks book, someone always dies! One of the last books I read was The Progeny by Tosca Lee. I requested it from NetGalley on a whim because I like Tosca Lee's writing. I hadn't heard anything about this book though, but "on a whim" thought I would give it a try. I really liked it...A LOT.

    Fun post Miranda :)

    1. I haven't read The One yet, but I would like to. I think you'll enjoy Kilmeny of the Orchard; it's L.M. Montgomery and that's pretty a sure bet that it will be good. :) Thanks for stopping by today, Julie!

  3. Lunar Chronicles and all the Selection books are absolutely among the books I want to read in the future. I've tried The Selection a couple of times, but never made it past the 50 page mark. It's definitely good, I can tell, I've just never been in the mood.

    - Jen from The Bookavid

    1. The Lunar Chronicles and The Selection series are a little bit out of my comfort zone since I read a lot of historical fiction, but I enjoy the occasional Sci-Fi/dystopian and so I enjoyed these. Thank you for stopping by today, Jen!

  4. L.M. Montgomery is always a must. Also, three cheers for Kiera Cass and Rachel Mcmillan. Both favorite authors! :)

    1. I totally agree, Rissi; L.M. Montgomery is my favorite. And Rachel McMillan definitely became a favorite with "A Singular and Whimsical Problem". Thanks for stopping by!


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