Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I'm Not A Fan Of

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly series hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

So today's topic is ten characters that either you like that no one else does, or characters you dislike that everyone else seems to love. For some reason, this post was so hard for me! I just could not come up with characters that fit these descriptions.  So that's why I only have six. May not be true to topic, but it's all I can come up with and better than nothing, I suppose.
Keep in mind that I don't hate any of these characters. They're just not my cup of tea (and number is kind of complicated).

6: John Brooke, Little Women
I don't hate John Brooke, he just gets on my nerves sometimes, especially when he puts Meg down, though she does put him down some, too. Still, John is just not my favorite. I don't dislike him, I just don't love him the way others do.

5: Henry Talbot, Downton Abbey
I don't know why, but I'm just not a huge fan of Henry. Again, I don't hate, him, I just don't love him. I feel like I don't know him well enough to love him as Mary's husband and that could be due to the fact that I missed some of season 5.

4: Almanzo Wilder, Little House on the Prairie
I'm just not a fan of Almanzo. Granted, I haven't made it that far into the book series, but I've seen every episode of the show multiple times (it was a childhood favorite) and he just seemed so dorky to me. Maybe he's better in the books? I hope so.

3: Lydia Bennet, Pride and Prejudice

I don't know if I'm alone in this, but Lydia always got on my nerves. She's too boy crazy for her own good and just seems spoiled.

2: Professor Bhaer, Little Women
This is a sort of complicated answer for me. I love the idea of Jo and Laurie marrying one another. I think they fit together and could make a great couple. I also think that it would be interesting to see Jo remain single. But I like Professor Bhaer. I think he seems like a kind man and very smart. And maybe I just really wanted to respect Louisa May Alcott's decision. I think what I'm getting at is that I like the character of Professor Bhaer, maybe just not as Jo's husband, though I respect Louisa's decision. (Actually, my friend Amber has an interesting theory about Professor Bhaer that you can read in the comment section of this post.)

1: Logan Huntzberger, Gilmore Girls

I know I'm not alone on this, but it seems like a lot of people like Logan, and I'm like, "Why?!?" He was a jerk! He was pretty selfish and if he couldn't get his way he was mean and nasty, especially to Rory. Why would you want to be with someone like that? I was so relieved when Rory rejected his proposal. I so hope that she doesn't end up with him in the new episodes.

Thanks for stopping by today! Until next time....

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I love it anytime I see a Gilmore Girls reference anywhere. I didn't like Logan either. I actually wish Rory would come back to Stars Hollow with a completely new love interest. I like Jess, but he needs to grow up. Great list!

    1. Yay! Gilmore Girls is tied with Downton Abbey for my favorite show, so I'm happy to hear from a fellow fan anytime. I have to admit, after season 6, I became a fan of Jess. I kind of hope Rory ends up with him, if he continued to mature. If not, I'm all for a new romance or her remaining single, because I certainly don't want her going back to Dean or Logan.

      Nice hearing from you, Barb!

      -Miranda Atchley

  2. Great list, agreed about Henry Talbot (I was rooting for Evelyn Napier, haha) and John Brooke. It bothered me that Meg gave up so much to be with him, and then he gets all moody if ever she spends any money on herself - whatever happened to what's mine is yours?

    My TTT:

    1. I felt like I was the only one who didn't care for Henry, so it's nice to hear I'm not alone! Haha. I just felt like I didn't know him well enough to appreciate him after all Mary went through with Matthew. As for John, I totally agree. Sadly, I don't think the what's mine is yours philosophy was terribly popular back then. That's one thing I'm thankful for about the modern age.

      Thanks for stopping by today, Catherine!

      -Miranda Atchley

  3. I wasn't a huge fan of John, but I really did love Professor Bhaer! I mean, I wanted the Laurie/Jo ship to sail, but when it didn't, I found a lot of comfort in Bhaer as a kid. He was such a decent guy.

    I really loved Logan growing up. He was brilliant and blond and beautiful, and I loved how adventurous he was and how he pulled Rory a little out of her shell. That being said, rewatching, I don't understand how I loved him so much! I hope she doesn't end up with him either. Or Dean! If it's not Jess, I'm gonna be so sad :(

    My TTT.

    1. I love the character of Professor Bhaer, too. He's a sweet man. I can see where Logan would be interesting when you're younger. He is a charming guy with his good looks and adventurous spirit, but he just doesn't work as a serious partner. Way too spoiled for that! Haha.

      I enjoyed hearing from you today, Allyson!

      -Miranda Atchley

  4. I'm not a fan of Henry either...well, it's not so much him, but the fact that I think he's actually not a good fit for Mary. They tried to pull off the total opposites attract and somehow manage to stay happily together forever trope, and it's just not believable. He's a great guy, but they're so wrong for each other.

    1. I see where you're coming from. I feel like there's just something lacking..... I don't know. He's nice, but he's certainly no Matthew.

      Thanks for stopping by today, Kate!

      -Miranda Atchley

  5. I never liked Logan either, to be honest I was never keen on any of Rory's boyfriends, though I liked Jess when he came back in Season 6.
    My TTT:

    1. My feelings exactly! Thanks for stopping by!

      -Miranda Atchley

  6. Man, I so wish Jo/Laurie actually happened (tho I like to think it did in my mind). I think, for me, the reason Bhaer is just blah is simply because there's no excitement or energy or passion, as there was with Laurie. He's just calm and there, which is nice in real life I guess, but when you're reading a novel, you want the sparks!

    Here's my TTT

    1. So do I, Lulu! I think a looooot of us did. I can see where you're coming from on Professor Bhaer; he was a nice guy, but definitely no Laurie.

      Thanks for stopping by today!

      -Miranda Atchley


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