Top Ten Tuesday: Lovely Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday post is about 5 star reads. This was one of the easiest Top Ten Tuesday posts I've written so far. Not only because I can simply go to my Goodreads account and look through the books I've read recently, but also because these books are really good, and when you enjoy a book, it's not hard to share it and gush about it. This list spans almost a year, the earliest one having been read back in May of 2015 and the latest one read in February of 2016. Enjoy!

10: When Patty Went To College by Jean Webster
This was the first book by Jean Webster that I read and I really liked it. I've read another of her novels and am looking forward to reading more.

9: The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I loved this book, as did many others. It was one that was hard for me to put down. It totally deserves the praise it gets.

8: The Prayers of Jane Austen by Terri Glaspey
This is a lovely collection of prayers written by a beloved author. Worth every penny and the illustrations are so beautiful to look at.

7: Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee
I know a lot of people had their issues with this book, but I loved it every bit as much as I loved To Kill A Mockingbird.

6:  To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Who doesn't love this book? It's so good. Harper Lee was such a talented woman. There's no denying that this novel is a classic.

5: When I Married My Mother by Jo Mader
Funny, warm, heartbreaking, and full of love. This book about a woman caring for her aging mother was a treat to read.

4: While You're Awake by Amber Stokes
I read this sweet novelette for the first time when it released back in October. I read it again last week because the book is set in Spring. Still loved it!

3: Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
This book is just wonderful. It's non-fiction, but it reads so much better than a lot of non-fiction out there. Donald Miller really has a way with words and some parts of the book just sound like poetry.

2: The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery
This is one of my favorites by L.M. Montgomery. Really, it's probably right behind the Anne of Green Gables series. It's just so lovely. Your heart really goes out to Valancy as she struggles, and then you cheer for her as the book goes along. Love it!

1: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I enjoyed this book as a teenager, but I really fell in love with it during the read-along I participated in during February. This is such a smart and heartwarming read. You may have your issues with how some things ended, but you can't deny that this is a lovely book. It's no wonder that Little Women is a classic that has stood the test of time.

So there are some of my recent 5 star reads. They're all lovely books that I plan on reading time and again someday. Thank you for stopping by today! And let me know in the comments; what some books you've particularly enjoyed lately?

-Miranda Atchley


  1. Lovely list! I've never read any of these, but the two I want to read the most are "Little Women" and "While You're Awake."

    1. Thank you, Grace! Those two are such lovely reads; I know you'll enjoy them when you get a chance to read them.

  2. I love how eclectic your reading list is! I've read 3 on your list. Sadly I've never read any other books besides the Anne books by L.M. Montgomery. I might have to check this one out :) I've seen parts of the movie The Help, but not read the book, I'd like to check it out too. And can you believe I have NEVER read To Kill a Mockingbird? That's probably un-American or something! Great list!

  3. I love how eclectic your reading list is! I've read 3 on your list. Sadly I've never read any other books besides the Anne books by L.M. Montgomery. I might have to check this one out :) I've seen parts of the movie The Help, but not read the book, I'd like to check it out too. And can you believe I have NEVER read To Kill a Mockingbird? That's probably un-American or something! Great list!

    1. Ooo, I'm curious; I know you've read Little Women; what other two on the list have you read? I'm a pretty eclectic reader; I like a lot different genres! The Blue Castle was soooo lovely; one that kept me up late. I would definitely recommend it. And I felt the same way about To Kill A Mockingbird until late last summer when I finally read it. I was really good. Thank you for stopping by, Julie!

    2. I've also read While You're Awake and The Prayers of Jane Austen. I too am an eclectic reader. I love a mixture of Christian and non-Christian authors. Mystery/Suspense are my favorite genres, but add suspense and romance together and wowza! I keep telling myself to grab a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird...someday ;)

    3. Awesome! Those books were soooo good!

  4. Go Set A Watchman made my list this week too!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week:

    1. It was a great book, wasn't it? I'll definitely have to check out your list! Thank you for following! It means so much.

  5. As much as I love Daddy Long Legs and Dear Enemy, I've never read another by Jean Webster. Clearly I need to remedy this!

    Everybody I know raves over The Blue Castle! I own both a kindle copy AND a paperback, so I have no excuse why I haven't read it yet. It's one of my goals this year though, so hopefully really, really soon!

    1. When Patty Went To College is a pretty good book; I would definitely recommend it! I'm really looking forward to Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy. The Blue Castle became one of my all-time favorites in January! I love it so much.

  6. Aww, such an awesome list, and I'm honored to see While You're Awake included! It means so much to me to know you re-read it. What a beautiful compliment! :D

    How fun to see The Prayers of Jane Austen and To Kill a Mockingbird on your list! Both are gems. :)

    And I'm so curious about When Patty Went to College. You know how much I adored Daddy-Long-Legs, and I also enjoyed Dear Enemy. Would be interested in reading more by Jean Webster. :)

    I have The Help in audiobook format - apparently it's the top-rated book of all time on Audible, or something like that? Now I just need to listen to it. :)

    And I'm also curious about Go Set a Watchman! I confess I've been nervous to try that one...but it's cool to hear you loved it. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these books!


    1. While You're Awake deserves all the praise it can get! It's a real gem. And thank you for introducing me to The Prayers of Jane Austen; I wouldn't have known about if you hadn't shared it on your blog.

      I really enjoyed When Patty Went to College and would definitely recommend it. I'm so looking forward to Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy.

      I'm not surprised that The Help is the top-rated audio book; it is soooo good, and I think it would be one that's nice to listen to, especially since there are three different narrators.

      I know a lot of people didn't like Go Set a Watchman because of some differences between it and TKAM (mainly in Atticus' personality) but I really liked it.

      Thank you for stopping by, Amber! It's always nice to hear from you.


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