Top Ten Tuesday: Y/A Lovin'

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly series hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Today we were to choose ten books from any genre we want. I decided to go with young adult because I haven't talked about young adult novels in while. It's weird, because that's how I got my start and I loved reading Y/A for so long. But I guess now that I'm in my twenties (and wow, does it still feel weird to say that), it's only natural that my taste in books matures, but I think I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Y/A. And you better believe that this list brings back some memories! For example, my copy of The Hunger Games still has melted gum on it from when it stayed in my backpack while I went to the local community college to study for the G.E.D when I was 17. Holy nostalgia, Batman!

10: True Colors series by Melody Carlson
Now that I'm older, these wouldn't be my absolute favorites, but when I was a teenager I really enjoyed them. They're very good for kids that have a hard time fitting; it gives them something to relate to.

9: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
This is a very fun novel. It has a bit of that "classics flair" that I love with lots of sci-fi and fantasy elements. It also has that sort of coming-of-age quality as we see Meg transition from being a weak and sort of "backward" girl to a strong character in the 5th dimension.

8: A Life of Faith series by Martha Finley
This would be a good series for teens that are interested in historical fiction. There are eight books in total and spans about ten years, I think.

7: A Charmed Life series, Jenny B. Jones
I thought these books were pretty funny when I first read them. They're the type of books you get sucked into and just fly through.

6: The Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins
It may be cliché to list The Hunger Games on a Y/A list, but sometimes things are cliché for a reason. These books are really good.

5: The Katie Parker series, Jenny B. Jones
Another good series by the funny Jenny B. Jones.

4: Just Another Girl, Melody Carlson
This is one of Melody's best. It's a very touching and well written novel about a girl trying to find her place in the world.

3: The Giver, Lois Lowry
Most of you have probably read The Giver, but it's one of those that I think everyone could benefit from reading.

2: Anything But Normal, Melody Carlson
I think this is probably Melody's best Y/A novel. She really writes the story of a pregnant teen well and captures the emotions and thoughts I'm girls in that position go through.

1: The Diary of a Teenage Girl series, Melody Carlson

I loved these books when I was a teenager. They really inspired me to write and kind of gave me something to relate to in my early teens.

So there are my top ten picks for the young adult genre. I hope you enjoyed post and thank you for stopping by! Talk to you later....

-Miranda Atchley


  1. I haven't read any books by Jenny B. Jones yet but I have heard really good things! My TTT

    1. Her books are really funny and she does a good job at writing for teens. Haven't read much of her adult fiction, but I'm sure it's good, too!

      Thanks for stopping by, Carrie!

      -Miranda Atchley

  2. The Giver was one of my absolute faves as a child and it remains a book that can make me emotional
    For my TTT, I chose ten books if you're in the mood for women kicking butt

    1. The Giver is so good, isn't Lulu? I agree; it's a very emotional and thought provoking novel. Lois Lowry is very talented.

      Thank you for stopping by!

      -Miranda Atchley


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