The Now-What Months

It's January, so that means that all of us whom partook in NaNoWriMo in November are back to our novels and editing. I AM SO READY! Sorry for the cap-lock abuse, but I seriously cannot express how much I missed this project and how ready I am to get back to it.

This novel is just so exciting for me. It's set in the 1910s, a time period I really like. I love historical fiction and have so many memories reading the classics like the Anne of Green Gables series, Little Women, A Life of Faith series, Edgar Allen Poe's stories and poems and so many more when I was growing up. And more recently I've been reading works by Austen and the Bronte's and a few others. Working with historical fiction is kind of like coming home for me; like getting back to my roots. At times I feel so in my element and yet at other times I'm terribly intimidated because I want to do historical fiction justice and write it well.

Another big reason why I love this novel so much is because I just love the story. My main character Abi is an aspiring author. I've never written about a writer, but I can surely relate! And it's about following your dreams even in the face of adversary. I love the message of this story.

I can't wait for you all to read this. It's my favorite thing I've written and I am so, so ready to see where it goes!

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all have a great week. Thank you for stopping by!

-Miranda Atchley


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