Work In Progress Update 1/25/2016

(Close to how I picture Abi.)

Happy Monday, readers. Hope your week is off to a good start. Today I'm checking in with a little update on my work in progress. At this time, editing is taking place. It's slowly but surely beginning to shape up and become a more cohesive novel. I'm currently calling this novel "A Castle In The Sky" though I'm not entirely sure that that will be the ending title.

The book is about Abi Hensley who has grown up in a wealthy family in San Francisco. She loves books and wants to be an author, yet her parents expect her to marry. After a disastrous attempt at arranging a marriage between Abi and an Earl, she leaves her home in San Francisco to go to New York in pursuit of her writing dreams. Yet things may not be quite as easy as they seem.

As I've said before, this is my favorite thing I've written so far. It's hard to imagine loving a project more than I love this one. I love the era, I love the characters, I love the storyline and the message. It's just right up my alley.

I'm starting to look at cover ideas. I have a feeling this one is going to be much different. In the past, my sister-in-law (who is a photographer) has taken pictures and edited them to make a cover, but this time I think we're probably going to use a stock image.

I'm shooting for a spring release (late April) which really isn't too far away. I'm so ready for you all to read this, but I'm being a little selfish and keeping it to myself for now. ;-)

Thank you for stopping by today. You'll never know how much it means to me. See you tomorrow with a new Book of The Week.

-Miranda Atchley


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